
Why is everyone sipping matcha tea?


Many popular instructors and experts in healthy eating have replaced their obligatory morning coffee with a much healthier matcha tea. What's the secret?

Matcha is a special type of Japanese green tea that Japanese people drink on special occasions and prepare in a traditional way. However, matcha is not only tea, as it is also found in delicious form ice cream, healthy smoothie and crispy French ones macrons. Powdery green tea, which can also be used as an ingredient in baking, has recently captivated literally everyone, from nutritionists and yoga instructors to businessmen who order matcha tea "to go" in the morning instead of coffee.

Matcha contains a lot of vitamin C and a little less caffeine than coffee. Like all green teas, it also contains the amino acid L-theanine, which provides a relaxing feeling and at the same time increases the ability to concentrate, but unlike other teas, when drinking matcha tea, we consume the whole leaves, and not just the leaf extract, and thus a much larger amount of antioxidants, minerals and vitamins.


The preparation of matcha tea is interesting, as a special, larger cup is used to drink the tea "Chawan", and in addition, it is good to have a bamboo whisk when preparing chase, which can be used to evenly and efficiently mix a characteristic green drink. A special bamboo spoon is used for dosing "chashaku", but of course a good old teaspoon also comes into play.

Put a heaped measuring spoon of tea in the cup, then pour 1 to 1.5 dl of hot water over it. Gently dissolve the tea with a whisk and then stir with quick W-shaped movements until you get a lump-free drink with a soft foam on top.

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