
Why are French women so thin? These are their secrets!

Do you also marvel at the elegant and slender figures of French women? Wondering what their secrets are? The members of this gourmand-hedonistic nation enjoy themselves completely without worries and without inhibitions and still maintain beautiful bodies. No, the secret is neither in excessive recreation nor in hellish diets. Here are the secrets of slim French women that may help you too.

10 secrets of slim women known only to French women:

A meal is also a ritual

The main guide of all French people is that it is meal ritual – and it should be in it to enjoy and him at the same time take seriously. The premises that follow from this rule are that each fast food is automatically discarded from the menu of slender French women. Food is not only fuel, but also an important part of everyday life wash yourself.

French women choose quality

Since French ladies know how to enjoy food, it makes sense they eat quality food. They prefer to buy and consume less - but what they consume is full of flavors and nutritional value. They realize that it carries a saying "you are what you eat" certain weight.

French women enjoy food.
French women enjoy food.

Eat slowly

Lunches and dinners are also available a time to socialize and nurture friendships. During a lively, intellectual conversation, there is no time to mess around with food. Slim French women eat slowly and they chew and taste each bite well.

Eat slowly.
Eat slowly.

Bans are rare

The French understand that goose pate and Brie cheese are a real little storehouse of fat. They also realize that no one in the world stays slim if they indulge in seven buttery croissants every day. But parallel to that realistic approach to food they do not allow themselves to live in constant temptation. When they want chocolate, they have it – and in limited quantities.

Balance is most important

If a French woman wants a little pampering, this does not mean that she will eat a piece of cake, a croissant, ice cream and three crepes in one day. A little sugar never hurt anyone, but overdoing it can have consequences. Balance is most important.

French women know that the most important thing is balance.
French women know that the most important thing is balance.

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They do not overdo it with sugar and salt

French cuisine is famous for its spices and sophisticated combinations. French women are taught from an early age that what what nature offers us, the most delicious and healthy. Overdoing it with extra sugar and salt is why it doesn't smell at all.

French women know how to endure

French women they can withstand hunger and they don't eat a greasy slice of pizza on the way home from work or college. Rather they wait for a warm, healthy and balanced dinner, which completes their day. When they feel hungry at work, they satisfy it with a cup of tea or pot unsweetened yogurt.

French women take the tablecloth very seriously

Since the meal is a ritual, appearance is also important. And because people in a way we also eat with our eyes, the tablecloth represents to the French an important component of a healthy and balanced diet.

An active life is important

French women are aware that it must be movement included in their everyday life  - and not because they want to lose extra pounds, but because it is this is the only way to a healthy life.

Physical activity is key.
Physical activity is key.

French women do not worry about extra pounds

Humans are fallible and imperfect - that's why it often happens that we're not in the shape we'd like. yes, French women also find themselves in a similar situation. But the difference between them and the rest of the world is that French women they don't binge because of extra pounds and do not punish themselves with diets.

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