
Why are girls subconsciously afraid of good and honest guys?

Are you in a fresh relationship, but are you afraid?

You met a new boy! You find him absolutely amazing. You think about him all the time, and then you tend to make these fatal mistakes!

What happens when you start dating a man you're madly attracted to? Are you starting to picture your wonderful future in your mind? Are you checking his FB profile? Are you looking for all possible information about him?

At first it may be just curiosity, but soon it can turn into a real little obsession, because all you do is think about him. But you know, yes this is not a healthy start to a relationship. If you want it to work for you, check which you really need to avoid.


3 mistakes with which you subconsciously drive away good men

1. You think too much of him

If you devote too much time and energy to your man, you somehow want something to happen to him. This is exactly the opposite of what you want as a woman - and what he wants as a man. Women want a man to follow us - to show us that he wants to have us. But when we think too much about him, we begin to move into the space where he should move and meet us.

And with that you change. You become anxious and emotionally drained from all analyzing. You lack energy for other things in life – for the passions and people who shaped you into the woman he fell in love with.

2. You allow your self-confidence to drop

If you focus on a man, you become less confident. At the moment when your you put a man in the center of your universe, you leave that center yourself. You turn from a carefree and spiritual woman into a fearful and anxious being.

And it shows. Believe it or not, a man can sense when only he is on your mind. Your thoughts affect your actions and mood.

If it has ever happened to you that a man suddenly turns cold after a promising start, this may be the reason. You transferred too much of your personal power to him, and he felt it. He sensed that you (even before you got to know him well) had placed all her hopes and dreams in him, and he felt it pressing down on him.

3. You don't keep all your options open

Once you find a man that you think is worth keeping, you can be tempted to forget about all other obligations and relationships and devote yourself exclusively to him. But this is exactly what triggers fear and anxiety in you about whether he will call you and what will happen next. The result: because you can't stop thinking about him, he'll assume you are depending on his every step.

Solution: Keep dating other men and do whatever makes you happy. Your week should be filled with different activities. That doesn't mean pretending how hard it is to win you over; only you spend your life doing different things that you enjoy - and that's what makes you so attractive.

If the man you are so attracted to is the one for you, he will be realized that he had to take the plunge and make time for it in your schedule. And you won't even have to think about it.

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