
Why is eye contact with another person so important?

You have surely had the experience of looking into the eyes of a stranger in a crowded room. Such moments are reminiscent of some tense, unpleasant or romantic scene from the movies. Eye contact is not always as exciting as in the movies, but it is certainly an extremely important part of our interpersonal relationships. You can find out why eye contact with another person is so important in the article below.

Why is eye contact with another person so important? The most likely answer to this question is that we are humans are very visual creatures. This is also proven by the fact that an extremely large part of our brain is dedicated to processing visual information. If we add to that the fact that we are human, it is also incredible social creatures and one of the main reasons why we are so successful as a species is that we know how to connect and cooperate, then becomes the fact why eye contact is so important when communicating with others becomes clearer.

When we look into someone's eyes, it is difficult for us to concentrate.
When we look into someone's eyes, it is difficult for us to concentrate.

What kind eye contact has an effect on us she also researched this study. Researchers have found that direct eye contact affects our working memory, imagination and mental control. You may have been such an effect before experienced firsthand - when we are looking into someone's eyes, it is very difficult to concentrate. People who are more adept at maintaining eye contact we consider them to be more intelligent, conscientious and sincere and we are more inclined to believe them. In humans, the eyes are one the most important sources of information for others. Compared to other species, our eyes have more whites, which allows us to see more clearly we distinguish where the other directs his gaze. This represents wealth for us important information – for example, the teacher can quickly see if someone in the back seat is not following the lesson, and the child can direct his eyes to where his mother directs him, in our sympathy we quickly notice if he is looking at us,...

We communicate much more with our looks than we might think.
We communicate much more with our looks than we might think.

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