
Why do we have such a hard time accepting compliments?

"You have a nice dress." - "Ah, this one is really old!"

Photo: envato

You've probably come across a person who just doesn't know how to take a compliment. You say something nice to her, but she will always find a reason to refute it instead of saying thanks and just being happy. Maybe you are like that?

Do you think you are not worthy of a compliment? You don't trust the person who says it to you?

No matter how much you've groomed yourself, you won't convince anyone that you look beautiful because you're focused on your flaws. The ones only you know.

If someone tells you that you're beautiful, that you've done something good, you won't believe them because you don't think you deserve it. Although you are.


Behind rejecting a compliment is the belief that you think you are not good enough. You don't see yourself the way others see you.

You just don't believe that when he compliments you that you are good at what you do, at what you are.

Why are you so critical of yourself? Why strive for some perfection that will never happen.


You will never be perfect in everything, professional enough, there will always be something somewhere that you will not master, something that you will not like about you. And that's completely normal. Disadvantages are normal. And just because you're not perfect doesn't mean you're not worthy of compliments.

On the other hand, this it's not nice to the person who complimented you. A person sees you in a certain way, and when you reject his words - they can take it as an insult.

So, the next time someone tells you that something suits you, that you're beautiful, that you've done something good - give thanks and don't try to deny the praise, but enjoy it.

Be proud of yourself.


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