
Why does life present us with difficult challenges?

Why is it important to learn some things the hard way?

Photo: envato

Is it possible to learn something in an easier way? Would you learn anything if you didn't make a catastrophic mistake (a million times), if you didn't break yourself (a million times) and then put yourself back together?

There seems to be no easier way, because if you avoid the harder, you avoid life. Stick to your comfort zone and the line of least resistance. Never engage in passionate acts of life.

Do you think that you will never be hurt so that you will not feel pain? You are wrong.

You stand aside, observe and analyze. You see life's dramas around you and you are just an observer.

Remember that you only learn through experience. Through mistakes, falls, tears, losses. You will learn nothing from books and movies, but from a toxic relationship and a broken heart you will learn a lot, about yourself, about the automatisms that make you repeat mistakes, about the law of attraction, cause and effect, about life.

Life lessons come through painful, uncomfortable and unbearable situations. You have to experience them.

Things only make sense if you live them, understand them, accept them and if you manage your life according to your values, which you have questioned a million times, changed and corrected or concluded that these are your truths, independent of other people's truths, the only ones that are important to you and your lifestyle.

Painful experiences build you. Photo: Andrey Zvyagintsev / Unsplash

You learned loyalty through betrayal and deceit, you learned freedom by freeing yourself from what trapped you and held you back.

All real things are difficult to conquer because you get to them through pain, resentment, anger. Only then does gradual understanding and acceptance begin. Everything that hurt or wounded you gave you valuable experiences and an opportunity to accept it, to love yourself and your life more.

All the lessons you have ever experienced were hard and painful at first. Everything you know, you learned the hard way.

You've learned that you can't have some things, that you have to let go of something, that you can't fix everything, that you can never go back, that the path always leads only forward, that truths are simple, and that insights come in complicated ways.

They make you feel grateful and at peace, and you don't even wonder why it was so hard. You know that this is how it had to be, that it is, that it is right and that it always will be!

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