
Why should married couples kiss more often?

It's not just about physical pleasure.

Photo: envato

If you are married or in a long-term relationship, do you and your partner kiss often? Kissing is much more important than you think.

The biggest reason why a kiss is important is that it comes before intimacy. Some studies have shown that it is many men consider who they kiss more important than who they sleep with.

The psychology of kissing says that a kiss is oral contact with another human being that is incredibly private and very intimate.

Kissing a loved one has many benefits and can affect a person physically, emotionally and spiritually. During kissing, the body experiences pleasant stimuli and secretes greater amounts of oxytocin, a hormone that helps you bond even more with your partner.

The physical benefits of kissing

Most couples kiss on the way out of the house in the morning, but over time it becomes more of a habit than anything else, like say having coffee in the morning.

But kissing has many physical benefits for the human body.

They kiss for no reason, just like that. Photo: We Vibe Toys / Unsplash

People who kiss every day live up to five years longer than those who don't. The rush of blood that comes with a kiss can help treat facial rashes and dermatitis.

The rush of chemicals caused by physical contact causes the heart rate to increase to more than 100 beats per minute, which can be just as good as exercise.

If you want to kiss someone passionately, as many as 29 muscles must be activated on the face, which can help reduce wrinkles.

Lips are much more sensitive than fingertips, and when you kiss someone, you stimulate every important nerve in the body.

Sharing saliva while kissing is healthier than you think—it can help build a strong immune system to fight disease.

The emotional benefits of kissing

The more you kiss with your partner, the more connected and close you will feel.
When the lips come together, the brain begins to release a cocktail of chemicals that evoke a feeling of great comfort and satisfaction. The rush of hormones in the body stimulates neurotransmitters such as serotonin, oxytocin and dopamine. The excitement you feel comes from the pleasure center located deep in the brain, which is in fifth gear at such times.

Kiss. Kiss him/her. Photo: Dainis Graveris / Unsplash

When you stimulate this area of the brain, it's like taking a little drug, and the body starts to crave it because of the feeling it gives. The next time you kiss and want more, it's because your brain is calling up the parts responsible for pleasure.

The spiritual benefits of kissing

A kiss puts the brain in a state where the partners can synchronize with each other, which means that the relationship becomes much deeper. Not only is your brain and your partner's brain connected, but your heart and emotions are also involved in this stimulation.

There are different ways to kiss, but it is deep and passionate kiss especially intimate and spiritual. It will do much more for the mutual connection between partners than a kiss on the cheek, because it connects them on a higher level.

Some marriage counselors advise their clients with marital problems to kiss every day. It's easy in theory, because when you become very intimate with each other, you restore some connection. Although you may have to force yourself to kiss every day at first, it will bring you closer and connect you on a spiritual level as well.

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