
Why do men claim to want a strong woman, but when they win her over, they run away?

Photo: envato

Are you smiling when you read this headline? Familiar situation? A question that is often asked in women's society and to which there is no satisfactory answer.

You are a strong and independent woman, you rely on yourself and believe that this is the greatest quality of your life. But this quality seems to be seriously interfering with your love life.

How many times have you found yourself in a situation where you wonder where all the normal men have gone? And is there something wrong with you that you only attract losers who constantly need something from you?

What kind of joke is this? What do they see in you? An investor? Driver? The person who will solve their problems without asking for anything or getting anything in return?

It may not be fair to normal men, but the experience of women shows that it is.

A strong woman shows her whole heart! Photo: Tamara Bellis / Unsplash

Men seem to like the idea of a strong woman and the validation of their self-worth when they conquer her. But when they find themselves in a relationship with a strong and independent woman, things get awkward. What had attracted them before began to disturb them.

What's happening? You meet men who want to be perfect. They talk about personal growth and development, and present themselves as unprejudiced, but in reality they don't feel that way.

They act like they adore your strength and ambition and want to win you over. But when it does, and the feelings are triggered in you, what you really think, feel and fear comes out.

And suddenly, in the mirror of a man, you become too demanding, too busy, too feminine, too ambitious...

But you haven't changed, he doesn't see you, but his demons, his fears and weaknesses.

He believes in love. Photo: Ben White/Unsplash

A man who feels threatened next to a strong woman is simply not strong, he is weak.

A man has to have a field that he dominates or things just fall apart. The balance of male and female energy cannot be established and maintained in such a way.

It is difficult for him with a dynamic and ambitious woman, because he feels weak around her! This kind of man is not for you, when the time is right, he will come into your life - real man.

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