
Why do men leave good women? The psychologist emphasizes that beauty and kindness are not important

Photo: IG @humanlovers

Many girls are taught from childhood to be obedient, good, study for A's and strive to be an example. But no one tells any girl that one day, when she becomes a full-grown woman and a wife, her husband may leave her and go to someone else who can't cook, wash or clean, who isn't half as good as she is. These things happen and leave women in awe, doubting their own qualities.

If you read different literature, you can understand that men do not need ideal women who do everything right. This is desirable, but not the main thing. "I will be a wonderful housewife, I will learn to cook well, I will look like a box and someone will definitely see my talent," that's what most women think.

"Dear women! No one will love you because of your luscious eyelashes or a good dinner. Love is something else,” says the famous Russian psychologist Mikhail Labkovsky. Some women simply get lost, completely immersed in everyday life, caring for their beloved spouse and forgetting about themselves. A man doesn't need a cook and a maid, not even a beauty. He needs an interesting person who loves himself. A woman who will understand this, not just flutter beautiful eyelashes. The one who will make him happy, who will strive for something, for his own development, self-improvement.


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He needs a confident woman who will feel attractive and love herself the way she is. “For example, you are a stunning blonde. You have perfect legs, your face - everything is as it should be. But if at the same time you are deeply convinced that your nose is too big and your butt is too small, then at this moment you have been defeated by a woman with a big nose, bad legs and small breasts, who has self-confidence." adds Mihail Labkovski.


So a woman can be the best in the world, takes care of a man, dresses well, cooks perfectly, but still does not know how to love herself and suffers from insecurity - such a woman repels a man. Practice shows that the attitude a woman has towards herself determines how a man treats her.


Loving, appreciating and respecting each other - this is what should come first, and then everything else: beauty, cooking, etc. Such a woman can show a man how to treat her. She is confident in herself, knows that she is the best, although her appearance is far from ideal. And men are much more comfortable with such a woman than with an insecure, modest and obedient woman who is considered a "good woman".


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