
Why should we all eat more soup?

Did you know that the first restaurant was created thanks to soup?

Regardless of where you've been in the world, you've almost certainly come across a whole range of soups typical of the local cuisine. Which is not at all surprising, since soup is one of the oldest meals in the world, which people have been enjoying since time immemorial. And when we say "since forever," we mean it literally!

They are the first soup 20,000 years ago cooked and eaten by the Chinese. This is a discovery that recently surprised both archaeologists and historians, as they believed that people started cooking soup only 5,000 years ago, i.e. the moment man discovered a pot that was fireproof enough to keep this most powerful one simmering for hours between meals.

But the soup was also cooked in less developed environments - because let's not forget that the ancient Chinese civilization has long held the primacy of the most developed in the world. To cook the soup without a pot, all that was needed was a hole in the ground lined with animal skin, a vessel was placed in it, and some hot stones were thrown into the water in the vessel. Archaeological research has shown that this method of cooking soup was quite widespread in Western Europe as early as 25,000 years ago! And it seems that even before that Neanderthals were forced to cook soup to survive. By the way, anthropologists believe that cooking itself is an activity older than 300,000 years. But let's return to the soup a few millennia closer to our time.

Soup is one of the oldest meals in the world.

The content of soups evolved over time, as boiling turned out to be a much more efficient and tasty alternative to grilling over an open fire. Our ancestors therefore most likely ate soups, which today we would previously associate with porridge. We would put in them whole grains, vegetables, meat, herbs and sometimes dried fruit. The nutritional value of the soup naturally depended on the social class to which the cook belonged. But there is no doubt that soups were used by rich and poor alike, and soups as we know them today began to be cooked somewhere in the Middle Ages, when, along with other great discoveries, spices from distant and exotic countries came to Europe and with which the court chefs opened the door to highly refined and extravagant tastes.

Another historical fact you probably didn't know is that it is the creation of the restaurant is directly related to the soup. More specifically, soup was one of the first hot street foods. In the 16th century, the French used the term "restauratif" to describe soup sold at street stalls. The meaning of the word is also very important and certainly related to one of the main characteristics of the soup - its regenerative properties. Even then, the soup was promoted as a dish that restores energy and cures diseases.

Even the name of the man who started the restaurant business with soup is known - it was a certain Monsieur Boulanger. He strengthened the guests with "restauratif" and eggs. He probably didn't know that with his modest offering he would name a place that people today visit for much more hedonistic motives - a restaurant. Is it any wonder that the first luxury restaurant opened in France? It was 1786, and the chefs employed at this restaurant perfected the soup recipes by dividing them into two groups – light soups le consommé or boullions and thick soups, better known as purées, veloutés or bisques.

The establishment of the restaurant is directly related to the soup.

The next turning point when it comes to soup came in 1897, when chemist John T. Dorrance discovered the recipe for soup from a bag. Due to its practicality and ease of preparation, this type of soup quickly gained popularity all over the world. First among travelers, who called this soup "pocket soup", and then among soldiers, who strengthened themselves on the frontlines with warm soup from a bag.

Why should we all eat more soup?

1. Soups are healthy

As long as you don't overdo it with butter or cooking cream, soups are actually very healthy, as they usually contain the recommended daily allowance of vegetables and grains. Regardless of the season, you can always find quality vegetables for a delicious soup.

2. Soups are affordable and easy to prepare

Soups do not require much effort or skill. Basically, we throw the vegetables in the pot and we're done. Plus, the soups are a value for money investment!

3. Soups hydrate the body

During the winter months, it is not uncommon to drink less than recommended, and since soups are full of liquid, they are an excellent source of water, which our body needs to function normally.

4. Soups help strengthen the immune system

There is scientific evidence that some soups not only help prevent disease, but are even said to cure some diseases! Foods such as onions, garlic, celery and carrots are rich in valuable nutrients, and warm soups also help relieve sore throats.

5. Soups have a calming effect on the body

A plate of warm soup gives us an incredibly good feeling. Warm soup helps with stress and anxiety problems because it has a calming effect on our body. In addition, it raises our energy and thus contributes to improving our mood.

Here you will find delicious recipes for simple soups that will warm you up nicely!

Bon Appetit!

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