
Why should we forgive parents who hurt us? For this one reason!

Remember how many times you hurt your parents unintentionally with your words. And later you regretted your actions, even if they hurt you. Words hurt, but you have to forgive them, because hating those who created you is the same as living with constant pain.

We will not meet a person who has not once been or is currently angry to their parents. Even though they may be perfect... but we all differ and some children do lacked love and attention, others nice words and love deeds

Living with constant resentment and hatred towards parents it's like living with constant pain. It's the same as deliberately not wanting to love and trust ourselves. If we are hurt by our parents and cannot forgive them, we become nothing but destructive. Many people accumulate anger for years and treasure it. They have a feeling that they will betray themselves, if they get rid of him, forgot about him and forgave the other. The anger becomes theirs another name and eventually become just “the poor".

If we accept our parents (no matter what they are), we are really accepting ourselves.
If we accept our parents (no matter what they are), we are really accepting ourselves.

If we accept our parents (whatever they are), in reality we accept ourselves. Getting rid of anger is not easy, but we MUST do it, otherwise we will forehead life lived unfortunate. We will steal our own happiness.

If we think about it for a moment, our parents once had parents too. Many children of that time were raised in aggressive and hostile environment. Perhaps that is why our parents have the deepest traumas that have led them to harm us today. That they cause us pain. This is certainly not an excuse, but we must understand that they are our parents may be unhappy, broken and they just don't know how to know otherwise. Because they know no other. Better.

Living with constant resentment and hatred towards your parents is the same as living with constant pain.
Living with constant resentment and hatred towards your parents is the same as living with constant pain.

No one can love us the way we want to be loved. We must always admit that as long as our parents are alive, there will be a person who will truly love us in their own special way. They took care of us when we had a fever, when our teeth were growing, when we fell off our bikes … They are people with strengths and weaknesses who love us so as they know how.

We are no longer children. We need to understand that we are adults who realize that our parents are just people with their own problems. And we shouldn't compare them to the supposedly perfect parents of our friends. We have to learn to build a normal relationship with them. Learn them we must respect, because they gave us life.

Because once they are gone, they will only be left to us in this world guilt and regret.

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