
Why should you drink beer from a cat bowl?

As it turns out, cats aren't the only ones who enjoy drinking from a bowl.

People differ from each other in many ways, including the way they consume food and drink. For example, some people like to eat with their hands, while others always use utensils.

In general, we can find that almost every one of us has an eating routine that sets him apart from most people. Even when drinking beer, we distinguish between those who prefer to drink from a bottle or can, and those who prefer to pour the liquid into a glass.

Which group of beer drinkers do you fall into?
Which group of beer drinkers do you fall into?

A new one research she presented eaters who pay too much attention to details at first glance in a good light. Her findings showed that it was eating with dishes that are previously removed from the packaging, the right choice.

Researchers from Ohio State University examined as part of their study 68 people. They were interested in whether people prefer to eat popcorn with with your own hands or with help chopsticks. They found that those who help themselves with chopsticks enjoy eating more.

In another experiment, participants drank water from bottles and from cat bowls. Both groups experienced greater pleasure when drinking than people who drank water from the original packaging. In all probability, you will experience the same feeling when drinking beer.

Co-author of the study Robert Smith from an Ohio college Fisher College of Business thinks that because of new ways of eating, people pay more attention to the food or drink itself. We deepen the experience due to a psychological phenomenon hedonistic adjustments, based on a focus on innovation.

The research findings are particularly useful for people who think healthy food is boring. With a few changes in your diet, even vegetables will look tempting. You can start with small things.  If you usually eat inside your home, try preparing a meal to eat outside.

A picnic in nature will do you good.
A picnic in nature will do you good.

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