
Why should we live in mini houses?

Why should we live in mini houses?

Is there anything to it? Have you ever thought that we live in homes that are too big, which take a lot of time and money for maintenance and burden the environment and space? Or is it just another fad? You will judge that for yourself. We will focus on the positive aspects of living in small houses, maybe you will find them too.

What would it be like to live on 32 square meters? At a glance, quite difficult. But this is mainly because we are used to it differently.

Architects who design mini houses are adept at finding solutions for even small spaces. They are also found in the form environmental protection technologies, such as for example a composting toilet that does not use water, and utilization of solar energy for heating. The entire movement or the idea would probably force manufacturers of white goods and electrical appliances to think similarly, in order to start producing less consumable devices. Modern technologies enable and offer just that utilization of little space and functionality. Why not use this for the good of the environment? After all, we didn't invent this way of life. If we walk far back in time, we can see how our ancestors actually lived. In 3-story houses? Opposite.

If we realize that our way of life puts a lot of burden on our planet, maybe it's time to live in mini houses.

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