
Why do some men have lush beards and others don't?!

Photo by Mubariz Mehdizadeh on Unsplash

Now that thick, well-groomed and often long beards are in fashion for men of all ages, those who do not grow their facial hair so intensively are probably complaining about them. But mother nature is impossible to fight against. Have you ever wondered why some men don't grow beards?

Scientists have an answer to this question. They discovered that the whole 'problem' revolves around dihydrotestosterone. What the hell is that? Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is hormone, which belongs to the class of androgens and is responsible for appearance of secondary sexual characteristics, such as facial hair and male reproductive organs. In the body, testosterone can rapidly converted to DHT, which is a more active hormone and has stronger effects.

If inmakes the body more sensitive to testosterone and reacts to it faster, then you can expect a thicker beard and of course vice versa. But it doesn't work ignore the genetic record as well. If your father boasts a thick beard, there's a good chance you will too. However, DHT also affects other processes in the body. They also connect it with prostate health, libido and baldness.

Otherwise, experts suggest that you introduce it into your everyday life more movement, less alcohol and more healthy food, if you want to regulate the hormonal balance.

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