
Why is the best partner the woman who came out of a toxic relationship?

Photo: IG @humanlovers

A woman who came out of a toxic relationship survived severe personal dramas, storms, hurricanes and became stronger in many ways. That is why she is the best partner you could wish for.

Life takes you through difficult moments and experiences to your better, improved personality. Because of all the wounds inflicted on you by bad, difficult, toxic partners, you appreciate the good in people more today.

Here are the reasons why such a woman makes the best partner.

He values a good relationship more than anyone else

Someone who hasn't had such painful experiences takes good things for granted and may not appreciate them enough. A woman who has been in a toxic relationship knows how to appreciate a good, honest and real relationship. He appreciates every attention and every gesture and returns the attention in the same way

He doesn't expect fairy tales

When you go through hell, you learn to keep your expectations realistic. It is enough for her that you are polite and that you participate in the relationship, that you are who you are. She doesn't expect a prince or someone to save her. If you are respectful, sincere and offer her a relationship based on trust and tenderness, you are the right man for her.

He is trying very hard

She always tried, but her efforts got her nowhere. She failed to fix a bad relationship, her strength and love were not enough. Now that she knows all this, she tries to show her gratitude for everything you give her and is happy that her efforts are appreciated.

She will often tell you "thank you"

And you'll know he really means it and feels it. You will know that she is deeply grateful to you, that she loves, respects and appreciates you. She is grateful that you are who you are, that you treat her the way she wants to be treated. That she feels respected and valued by you, that you have revealed to her that true and reliable dimension of love that she did not know before.

She will always be honest

So many times she didn't know what the truth was. Her thoughts were clouded and poisoned. She doubted everything, especially herself. When she managed to free herself and was no longer a victim of manipulation, she achieved clarity of thought. She will always value sincerity and honesty more than anything else. For her, sincerity is the same as reality and the sun - she does not want to return to the fog in any way.

He wants to have open communication

If she's learned anything from someone who played with her mind and heart, it's that she wants to unravel and clarify things on the fly. She will tell and give you all the information when something goes wrong. She will not pressure you or play any game. You will learn a lot from her about the honest exchange of opinions.

She will not judge you because of your past

She doesn't want anyone to judge and judge her based on her bad decisions in the past, so she won't judge you either. She survived mainly by learning to let go of the past and giving herself a second chance.

It's not demanding

She is not spoiled or demanding. She has developed self-confidence and will stick to her needs, but she will also be willing to compromise. You will know what is most important to her, and it will not be difficult to provide it to you. Especially when you see how much your time, dedication and attention mean to her.

She will always do more than you expect

When she feels respected, valued, loved, she will do wonders. She will always give and do more than you would ever think or expect. Show her your enthusiasm.

She will strive to take full responsibility

This is a lesson she learned from a toxic relationship. She took responsibility for her life and feelings and is where she is today. She still had a tendency to take on more responsibility than she should have.

If you don't take advantage of this and manipulate her feelings of guilt and excessive responsibility, but show her that she can relax because it's part of mutual respect and setting healthy boundaries, you'll have the happiest and most grateful partner in the world who will be loyal and which you can always lean on.

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