
Why is using a smartphone right before bed harmful to our health?

Using a smartphone right before going to bed is harmful to our health.

Many of us are guilty of using our smartphone right before bed. Some of us do this even after the lights in the bedroom have already gone out. It may seem like an innocent act to some, but once you listen to clinical psychologist Dr. Dan Siegel, who talked about what this means for our brains and bodies, may help you to give up this bad habit.

Why is using a smartphone right before bed harmful to our health? A clinical psychologist discusses this dr. Dan Siegel from the UCLA School of Medicine, who points out negative effects, which the use of smartphones has just before we leave for Mižale on our brain and body.

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Using a smartphone right before going to bed is harmful to our health.
Using a smartphone right before going to bed is harmful to our health.

Let us list only some of the side effects of this unhealthy habits. Worse memory headaches (at the expense of electromagnetic radiation), more difficult problem solving, insomnia, sleep latency (i.e. the time it takes to fall asleep; the reason is the blue light from LED screens, which disrupts the production of the sleep hormone melatonin), difficulty paying attention and more likely to gain weight. Are you wondering why all this happens? Listen to Siegel's speech and if you care about your health, put your smartphone away every night at least one hour before going to bed.

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