
Why should you not ignore waking up at this hour?

Do you wake up at the same time every night? You might not even notice. In traditional Chinese medicine, in acupuncture and acupressure, meridians or 'energy' channels have been used for thousands of years. These are connected to our natural rhythm and provide energy to certain parts of the body. And depending on what time you wake up at night, your body tells you certain physical and emotional problems you may be experiencing. And therefore, waking up at these hours should not be ignored in any way.

What after traditional Chinese medicine does waking up at these hours mean?

Waking up and having trouble sleeping between 9:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m. can be a sign of stress.

This is a normal bedtime for most people. If you have trouble sleeping at these hours, then you probably have a lot of worries and are under stress. Try meditation.

Waking up between 23:00 and 01:00 can be a sign of emotional disappointment.

This is the time when the gallbladder is active. If you wake up at these hours, it can be a sign of emotional disappointment and sadness. Positive mantras can help, but you should also learn self-acceptance.

Waking up and having trouble sleeping between 9:00 PM and 11:00 PM can be a sign of stress.
Waking up and having trouble sleeping between 9:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m. can be a sign of stress.

Waking up between 01:00 and 03:00 can be a sign of anger.

This meridian is associated with your liver according to Chinese medicine. Waking up at these hours is associated with anger and excess yang energy. To help you sleep, try meditation and a glass of cold water.

Waking up between 03:00 and 05:00 can be a sign of spiritual awakening.

If you wake up at these hours, then this can be a sign that your spirit is also awakening and that it wants to embark on a spiritual journey.

Waking up between 03:00 and 05:00 can be a sign of spiritual awakening.
Waking up between 03:00 and 05:00 can be a sign of spiritual awakening.

Waking up between 05:00 and 07:00 can be a sign of emotional blockages.

According to Chinese medicine, the energy that flows through you at these times is connected to the large intestine. Waking up at this time may indicate emotional blockages. If you need more sleep, try to stretch your muscles and use the toilet.

Info Box

Meridians are, according to belief in traditional Chinese medicine, energy channels that connect energy points, better known as acupuncture points, through which life energy - chi - flows. The energy points, of which there are said to be more than 2000, are said to be tiny collectors of electromagnetic and subtler energies, and meridians are the channels through which this energy flows (there is no concrete evidence for the existence of these energies or special channels and points for them). . The current in the meridians is said to change all the time, and TCM tries to influence it with needles and physical pressure to release or distribute blocked energy, the imbalance of which is the cause of diseases according to traditional Chinese medicine.
(Source: Wikipedia)

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