
Why was persimmon once called the food of the gods?


Persimmon is a very sweet and juicy autumn fruit, which was once called the "paradise apple" or "food of the gods". Persimmons are not only a tasty treat that even the gods would be delighted with, but a real superfood, so rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber that we should include it in our menu as often as possible in autumn, when it is abundant. In the following, check all the healing properties of the bright orange fruit, which definitely deserves the name "food of the gods".

Khaki you because of your divine sweet taste, of versatile use in both cosmetics and cuisine and medicinal ingredients definitely deserves the name "food of the gods".

Khaki comes from the East

Persimmon originates from China, from where it spread to Japan and other parts of the world. In the 19th century, it was also planted in California and Southern Europe. In Slovenia, it only started to be cultivated about a hundred years ago, but it feels best here in Primorska and Goriška, where in early November it brightens up the autumn atmosphere with its vivid orange color.

Persimmon tree

Khaki it grows on trees from the Diospyros (ebony) tree family, which means in ancient Greek "fruit of the gods". The trees, which are about 7 meters high, bear round fruits in autumn, which in shape they resemble tomatoes, but they differ from it in their bright orange color and harder skin, which hides a soft and sweet core inside.

Nutritional composition of persimmon

It's not just khaki divine taste, but its composition is also miraculous. It is very saturated fruit, but it is still considered low-calorie - 100 grams contain only around 80 kilocalories. Khaki excels high content of antioxidants, which also contains beta-carotene, minerals and trace elements, including potassium, magnesium, iron, copper, iodine, chromium, selenium and fluorine, and vitamins, among which, in addition to vitamin A, we find a lot of vitamin C and vitamins B1, B2 and B6.

Khaki is useful also for caring for the body, especially the skin, which is said to be particularly supple, soft and smooth after its use. The goddess Aphrodite also believed in this, who also used the paradise fruit for beauty purposes and used it to maintain her youthful appearance.


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