
Why shouldn't you take a shower immediately after swimming in the sea?

Photo: envato

Do you also immediately go to the shower after swimming in the sea? Have you ever wondered if this is really the best decision for your health and skin?

After swimming, when you come back from the beach, the first thing that comes to your mind is probably a refreshing shower that will remove the salt and sand from your body.

But what if we told you that rushing to the shower isn't always the best choice for your body? It may sound unbelievable, but there are hidden reasons why you should consider this routine.

The natural power of sea water

Sea water is a veritable treasure trove of natural minerals such as magnesium, potassium and calcium. These minerals are not only beneficial for your health, but also for your skin. As they dry on your skin, they act as a natural exfoliant, removing dead skin cells and revealing softer, more radiant skin. Instead of rushing to wash them off, allow your skin to absorb these precious substances and reap their benefits.

Swimming and sea water are beneficial. Photo: Damir Mijailovic / Pexels

Skin therapy

Did you know that sea water can help treat skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis and acne? The salt in seawater acts as a natural antiseptic, reduces inflammation and soothes irritated skin. Jumping into the shower immediately after bathing means that you could reduce this therapeutic effect. Why not let your skin enjoy the natural therapy that the sea provides?

Psychological peace

Swimming in the sea is not only a physical activity; it is also an extremely relaxing experience for the mind. The sensation of swimming in salt water, listening to the waves and feeling the sea breeze has a calming effect that a shower can quickly break. Instead, take a few moments to dry off in the sun and prolong that feeling of relaxation. The feeling of salt on your skin will connect you with nature and allow you to feel more peaceful and connected to the environment.

Let the shower wait a bit. Photo: Sergey Torbik / Pexels


Sea water has an amazing ability to stimulate blood circulation. When you dive and swim in the sea, your body experiences a natural massage that improves circulation. Rushing into the shower after swimming can interrupt this beneficial process. Allow your body to continue its improved circulation by drying naturally before showering.

Strengthening the skin's resistance

Your skin can adapt over time and become more resistant to different weather conditions if you regularly expose it to seawater. The salt and minerals in seawater create a natural protective layer that can help your skin better cope with changes in temperature and humidity.

Next time you enjoy the waves of the sea, consider leaving yours the skin for a while, yes absorbs all natural benefits sea water.

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