
Wikkelhouse: house made of cardboard

Cardboard house Wikkelhouse

Cardboard house Wikkelhouse is not a "spin-off" of the House of Cards TV series, but a house made of cardboard that we can actually live in. Do you think we are "painting" you? No. The Dutch design company Fiction Factory spent four years sawing sustainable houses that seem like they will be washed away by the first rain, but this is far from the case. Find out why not below.

Wikkelhouse it is a house made of cardboard. And no, such modular houses are not disposable, but they have many advantages due to their design, which seems to defy all logic. Not only that they are sustainably designed, unlike most houses, they are built extremely quickly, which is why prefabricated houses seem to take forever to build in comparison. When Wikkelhouse is a house (trans wrapping house"), but the mere desire to hand over the keys passes just one day. In addition, they can tailor to your own taste.

You do not need a building permit for a cardboard house, as it has no foundation.
You do not need a building permit for a cardboard house, as it has no foundation.

To make the company Fiction Factory uses instead of classic building materials recycled cardboard, which is glued together with environmentally friendly glue. The frame of the house is wrapped around it 24 times. The carton is then covered with waterproof coating, and the house is like a classic wooden house at the end embedded in wood, which is also found inside. The whole house is manufactured from recycled and sustainable materials and can later be completely recycled.

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The cardboard house Wikkelhouse weighs everything 500 kilograms, which is nothing compared to classic houses. For the installation guide it does not need a foundation and it doesn't have any foundation requirements, so you place it wherever your heart desires!

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