
Check whether your job will be taken over by a robot in the future?

Is your job at risk from a robot too?

When we like robots that help us with many daily tasks and take on more and more tasks - which is otherwise great, because they make our work easier and save time - we fail to recognize that there is an "evil" plan behind this benevolence. So don't be surprised if one day you wake up and find a robot at your workplace. Check the probability that your job will be taken over by a robot in the future.

Today, most people fear for their jobs, but if the threat comes primarily from the side of the economic crisis, in the future the main threat to your workplace may come from robots or computers, which day by day take on new and new (human) tasks. And even if you emphasize it like that advantages and benefits of technology, have increasingly intelligent machines for many manual workers negative effect, and with the growth of their practicality, they can be justifiably afraid of their jobs.

Will humans and robots live in harmony or will we become "second-class citizens" because of them?
Will humans and robots live in harmony or will we become "second-class citizens" because of them?

To make sure will your workplace stand the test of time, are on the website eg.org prepared calculations of the probability that you will be replaced by artificial intelligence and whether it is time to retrain.

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Although bread is hard for writers, at least they don't have robots to fear in the future.
Although bread is hard for writers, at least they don't have robots to fear in the future.

If you are employed in healthcare, then you have nothing to fear for your job, at least as far as the threat from robots is concerned, because there is only a possibility that the latter will win the battle between man and robot 0.4 percent. Low "shooting leaves" are also architects and engineers, as well as writers. Other jobs are not so lucky. Especially for those who do auxiliary or secondary courses administrative work the position is greatly shaken, as the probability that they will be replaced by a robot is quite high 97 percent. It is also bad to write to waiters and waitresses. Check whether your position will also be taken over by a robot.

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