
Wine Glass Mask: oxygen mask for wine

Wine Glass Mask Wine Glass

In order for the taste of the selected wine to be truly perfected, it must be served in the right glasses. But all wine glasses have had the same problem for centuries. While drinking, they exclude one sense - the sense of smell. The Oxygen Wine Glass Mask now fixes this, adding a missing dimension to wine enjoyment with its innovative design.

Oxygen mask for wine Wine Glass Mask is a wine glass modeled after an oxygen mask. In practice, this means that when drinking, it also surrounds the nose, which usually "hangs out" in the case of using a classic glass.

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Designed to fit your face, the glass offers a refined wine drinking experience. It was created by industrial designer James Piatt and is available for pre-order on the crowdfunding platform Kickstarter.

The Wine Glass Mask wine glass offers a completely new wine drinking experience.
The Wine Glass Mask wine glass offers a completely new wine drinking experience.

Learn more about the glass in the attached video (see above), which explains, among other things, how the glass achieves venturi effect and gets the most out of the wine.

Gallery - oxygen mask for wine Wine Glass Mask:

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