
Tonic wine: the new trendy refreshing drink for hot days

Photo: Envato

The new trendy drink for this summer is called: vino tonic. It is a combination of wonderful taste and refreshment. The drink combines the fantastic world of wine and tonic in one.

You need the following ingredients for preparation:

  • 150 ml of white wine
  • 1 organic lime
  • 1-2 slices of cucumber
  • 120 ml of tonic
  • 2-3 mint leaves
  • 2-3 ice cubes, it can also be crushed


Prepare glasses for wine or cocktails. Put the mint leaves in glasses and pour over them with the juice of half a lime. Cut the other half of the lime and the cucumber, and also put them in the jars. Pour wine and tonic over everything. Add ice and enjoy the drink while it is still cold.

Tip: Before freezing the ice cubes, you can put mint leaves in them. This makes the ice cubes even more attractive.

You can have a soft drink adjust also to your taste. White wine replace with rose wine, you can add slices of orange or lemon instead of lime, and replace mint with basil or decorative spices. In short, let your imagination run wild.

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