
The winning Galaxy S II

The Samsung Galaxy S II won the 2011/2012 EISA Award as the winner of the smartphone category. With four new Samsung content and entertainment centers, the Galaxy S II brings exceptional mobile experiences with direct access to music, games, books and magazines, as well as social networks. ...

The Samsung Galaxy S II won the 2011/2012 EISA Award as the winner of the smartphone category. With four new Samsung content and entertainment centers, the Galaxy S II brings exceptional mobile experiences with direct access to music, games, books and magazines, as well as social networks. Superfast HSPA+21 connectivity accelerates download speed, with Bluetooth 3.0+HS technology, data transfer is shortened. The dual-core processor enables fast web browsing, PC-like multitasking, superior graphics quality and a powerful 3D user interface on the big screen. The Samsung Galaxy S II also boasts an 8-megapixel camera, a high-quality camera and a recorder capable of 1080p Full HD recording and playback. All this and more with mobile operators.


Price: depends on the package offer (from 1 euro onwards), available from Si.mobil and Mobitel

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