
Winston: the miracle device that lets you browse the web privately

Privacy issues are undoubtedly at the top of the list of the most pressing issues in the tech world - it seems that ordinary people will never know what online activities we are being watched.

We present a solution for everyone who wants to prevent the world's largest corporations from constantly tracking you. The speech is about Winston, which provides you with the greatest extent so far private web browsing.

A small box that install between modem and router, wireless traffic is routed through 20 to 30 other Winston units, which connect the selected device every hour to random connection. So with her help you will scattered data and prevent thieves from following you using traditional techniques.

Innovation also prevents access over 90 thousand trackers, advertisements and content that force the user to click without a correct explanation (click-bait). This way too speed up the internet and reduces data usage.

Greater online privacy with Winston.
Greater online privacy with Winston.

His Winston, who is on Kickstarter already exceeded the set financial goal, you can pre-order already for 209 dollars (approx 185 euros), with the software subscription fee waived for the first year.

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