
Winter Jamathlon

The first Jamathlon took place on July 12 this year, as part of the miners' holiday, and now an even harder and more adrenaline-filled winter Jamathlon is coming, which will take place on December 6, the feast of the patron saint of miners, St. Barbara, attracted many adrenaline enthusiasts to the starting line, whom we can join on the 5 kilometer long course.

Important information
Trbovlje-Hrastnik Mine, Hrastnik, Zasavje
Facebook event
Entrance fee
€75 (entry fee)

Jamatlon offers us an excellent opportunity to jointly preserve the mining tradition, where by using the mining infrastructure in an innovative way, we can have great adrenaline fun and, of course, recreation. All participants will overcome various obstacles with safety helmets on their heads underground of the mine and cross or walk the path from Trbovelje to Hrastnik, and at the same time become part of a unique underground experience.

Watch the video of the July Jamathlon

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