
With eagles above rule-breaking drones

With eagles over illegal drones!

The number of drones has grown by leaps and bounds in recent years. The first ones were used by American soldiers, but when the matter splashed into civilian waters and became affordable, they spread like mushrooms after the rain. They are used by many companies and individuals. If there is a bright side to them (quicker action in the event of natural disasters, control over infrastructure, media coverage...), due to the increasing saturation of the sky, they also represent a certain risk (violation of privacy, etc.). The Dutch police have therefore decided to take an interesting measure against drones that break the rules/law. She will send their distant "ancestors", the eagles, over them!

It turns out that he has the best weapon for fight against the rise of machines mother nature, not Sarah Connor. At least I think so Dutch police, who started training eagles, to "disarm" drones (drones) that break the law. For this purpose, they connected with the company Guard From Above (Protection from above), with which they test and train many predators to disable and remove drones from the sky without risk to people.

Nothing good is written about drones that cheated.
Nothing good is written about drones that cheated.

Of course, there is a problem, namely larger drones, which could harm the eagles (probably they will say theirs before recruiting the eagles societies for the protection of birds), however, the Eagles seem to be doing very well overall. Let's just hope that they will be able to distinguish between "wild" drones and drones that will deliver mail/pizzas/etc.

READ MORE: Vidius: the world's smallest camera drone

of the Act regarding the use of drones in Slovenia it is not yet, but the Slovenian police and the Office of the Information Commissioner are working towards it, because uncontrolled use may lead to an invasion of privacy.

Was this eagle the inspiration?

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