
As many as 36 HOFER bakery products have been awarded with a gold medal

Yesterday, the Chamber of Commerce of Slovenia (GZS) awarded gold awards for the excellent quality of bread, bakery and fine bakery pastries, biscuits, pasta and fresh confectionery. The awarded products also include 36 products from HOFER's own brands, which you can find fresh on their shelves every day.

The Chamber of Agricultural and Food Enterprises (ZKŽP), which operates within the framework of the Chamber of Commerce of Slovenia, awarded prizes for various categories of bakery products at its 20th evaluation. She also won gold HOFER products – the gold medal went to 36 types of bakery products from HOFER's own brands. The smell of freshly baked bread, pastries and other baked goodies has greeted HOFER's customers in their stores since 2015. These are baked daily right in the store, which ensures customers always fresh and crispy products.

The following HOFER products received gold awards for excellent bakery products:

  • Bread: unleavened bread with seeds, protein bread with chia seeds, multigrain bread with seeds, buckwheat bread with walnuts, royal bread, Emmentaler, Alpine rustic bread, rye bread and corn bread
  • Bakery and fine bakery pastries: baby bread, bun, dark bread, ciabatta, handmade sesame braid, semolina and hamburger bombetta, raw bread, corn bread with pumpkin seeds, kaiserica, multigrain bread with sprinkles, pizza bread, cheese snail and margherita snail, fit croissant and sprout croissant , a trick with a chocolate-hazelnut filling with sprinkles, a butter croissant, a French croissant with an apricot filling, a walnut cake
  • Burek: cottage cheese, meat and apple burek
  • Fresh sweets: Blej kremšnita, shamrocks, Prekmurska gibanica, Pohorje omelette
36 gold awards for HOFER bakery products.
36 gold awards for HOFER bakery products.

Gold medals are also a fruit of HOFER's long-term cooperation with Slovenian suppliers. "Every day, together with our long-term suppliers, we refine the recipes and test new flavors. All with the aim of offering our customers freshly baked bakery delicacies according to their taste." But every month in HOFER stores you can find a new bakery treasure, which convinces with its freshness, seductive smell and crispness. Only in the month of February you can find a fit croissant with sprinkles and a croissant sprout on the shelves.

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