
With heels on your feet, not in your hands - Dance workshop for high school graduates

When we put on high heels for the first time, everything turns upside down. We admire the posture and body shape, which is so beautiful and attractive, but what if our feet hurt so quickly? On the bright side, we find that we can't even stand and walk properly, let alone other ailments, because of ...

Important information
Casinos, Kongresni trg 1, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
20 euros

When we put on shoes for the first time high heel, everything is turned upside down. We admire The posture and body shape are so beautiful and attractive, but what if your legs hurt so quickly?
On the bright side, we find out that we still can't stand and walk properly, let alone the other ailments that end the evening with. with shoes in hands, we don't even talk.

Because it does prom slowly approaching, we are in Casinos prepared a dance workshop where you will receive advice Andrej Vakselj learned confident walking and movement in high-heeled shoes.

To make socializing even more enjoyable, you will Emporium stylists advised what and how to dress, Saso Mali and his team will help you with hairdressing advice.

The workshop will take place in Saturday, March 10, 2012 from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
(additional dates 17.3., 24.3.)
The price workshops: 20 euros

Book here

More information: info@kazina.si / 031 362 526

See you 🙂

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