
The woman in black

Young barrister Arthur Kipps must leave his three-year-old son in London and travel to the remote village of Crythin Gifford, where he was summoned after the recent death of the owner of the Eel Marsh estate. Soon after arriving at the creepy old mansion, he discovers dark secrets, and his sense of unease reaches its peak when he sees a mysterious...

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Young barrister Arthur Kipps must leave his three-year-old son in London and travel to the remote village of Crythin Gifford, where he was summoned after the recent death of the owner of the Eel Marsh estate. Soon after arriving at the creepy old mansion, he discovers dark secrets, and his sense of unease reaches its peak when he sees a mysterious woman in black. The horror story based on the successful novel by writer Susan Hill is a story of loss, revenge and grief, and the protagonist is portrayed by Daniel Radcliffe, better known to us as the hero of the Harry Potter film series.

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