
A woman who respects herself doesn't need your money. He wants love, time and attention...

"Money is not enough. Most of all, people need your hands to serve them and your hearts to love them." - Mother Teresa

You can give her any gift, but she will not attach any importance to it, because what is most valuable to a woman is your time that you dedicate to her.

Such a woman is not interested in expensive things or your bank account, she will only care about how much time you spend together. He doesn't need an expensive car. Money is not unimportant to her, but she is aware that it comes and goes.

But time cannot be bought. There is more time, the moment is offered, and it is up to you how you will use it. Time is priceless, so a real woman knows how important it is to spend it with a loved one. If she has to choose between money and time, she will choose time. Because real relationships are not built on rustling money and pieces of paper, but on shared moments.

Time cannot be bought.
Time cannot be bought.

You can provide her with financial stability, a house. You can give her everything, but in the end, nothing will matter as much as your attention. A real woman wants to be with a man who will give her happiness, unforgettable moments, but not for money.

Such a woman is looking for a shoulder to lean on. Of course, money can solve many problems and give certain moments of happiness. But nothing can replace the feeling of closeness and a simple touch, or listening and feeding the soul with the sweetest and most delicious words.

Money will not be able to make up for years without attention. There is no money that can restore broken relationships.

A real woman knows that sincere feelings and mutual attention in a relationship mean much more than money. Nothing is more important to her than your love. He wants deep love, love that transcends all the highs and lows of life. Money comes and goes, but true love never will.

Time is the most precious gift and its memories are priceless.

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