
Women are united: there is one thing that makes a man more attractive

If you want a man to be even more attracted to you, put this in his hands!

Scientists found that men who do housework are more attractive and desirable to women. Dear man, what are you waiting for?

Thanks to sociologists Scott Coltrane and Michele Adams from University of California at Riverside we can explain why men look more charming when they are sweeping or hanging laundry.

It also confirms their findings Council of Contemporary Families, who pointed out that couples who share housework equally are more satisfied with all aspects of the partnership.

Also the research of the psychologist dr. Gottman, who shared them in to the book The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts, confirmed that women recognize their husband's participation in the family as a sign of love, which makes them more attracted to them. In addition, they feel more respected with such partners and perceive this type of man as more active, caring and empathetic.

Men who know how to handle housework are more attractive to women.

So the time of stereotypes is over. Analysis discredits the view that men who do household chores such as vacuuming, changing a baby's nappy and cooking are less manly. On the contrary, in this way they are obviously even more desirable and attractive to women, thereby strengthening their relationship as a partner.

In addition, they are also good role models for their children. Studies have shown that children at school who do household chores together with their father get along better with their peers and develop more friendships than those who do not. They are also less likely to disobey teachers, misbehave in class, be depressed, or withdraw from social life.

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