Months ago, we wrote how scientists determined the average length of a male penis based on thousands of penises. Remember, the average length in an erection is 13.12 centimeters. But this could only partially calm the men, because the question of the ideal length of the penis still remained in the air. But only women can answer that. And they are. The research led by Dr. Nicole Prause gave 75 women 100 blue phalluses of various sizes printed with a 3D printer and the women judged. The ideal penis length is…
While the research of scientists who revealed average penis length, silenced all misconceptions on the subject the size of a male penis, is a study by the faculties of the University of California Los Angeles and the University of New Mexico s psychophysiologist Nicole Prause at the head, gave this data a "practical" value. The average length is one side of the story, the other, that is ideal penis size for women, but only really puts things into context. Finally, it doesn't matter if it is 13, 15, 17 or more centimeters long in the arousal phase, if we don't know if it is the length women are looking for. Thanks to the research in which it participated 75 women, now we know that too. These are based on 100 blue phalluses of various sizes printed with a 3D printer determined the ideal length.Women chose the ideal size based on such blue phalluses.So. Do women really yearn for the largest possible penis, as is commonly believed? Research has put to rest many misconceptions about what the fairer sex expects. Bigger is not always better and is occasionally even considered negative. Women had to separate their expectations according to what kind of carrot they want for their vagina when it comes for a long-term relationship and what kind when it goes for a one-night stand. For the first case, the ideal length is the penis 16 centimeters (circumference 12.19 cm), and when it comes to adventure, they long for length 16.26 cm (circumference 12.7 cm).
Women are quite modest when it comes to ideal penis length, which is good news for all men.The ideal length of the penis so not "extraterrestrial" as was commonly believed, and so is the new knowledge that it is for size important context (which is as important as length). Women expect different lengths for different "occasions", so every man has an ideal one, if it's hers the ideal partner or the partner they are looking for (in the sense of a dream man). And just because a carrot is bigger doesn't automatically mean it's an advantage. 15 women revealed that they are broke up the relationship because the man was too short according to their expectations, but on the other hand, five of them did the same because the man had too long. And girls, a bigger phallus, alas, it comes with a price. As a result, the vagina expands and contracts more during sex, and it can push into her as a result more bacteria. In the long term, it brings a bigger penis more health risks.Ideal penis length put average penis size into context.If we draw a line. Yes, size matters, but a penis doesn't have to be bulky to satisfy a woman. Far from it. The research showed that it is ideal penis length only slightly longer than average.
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