
Proven: women sleep better with dogs than with men!

Sleep is a very important factor in our lives, because how we function throughout the day depends on it. That is why we must always strive to improve its quality. As it turns out, women can also help themselves by replacing their partners with dogs.

dr. Christy L. Hoffman she is a professor at the faculty Canisius College in Buffalo - in his work he mainly focuses on relationships between humans and animals, primarily dogs. Within research, which she and her team carried out recently, came to extremely interesting conclusions.

Do you prefer to share a bed with a man...
Do you prefer to share a bed with a man...

Research in which it participated 962 American women, showed that they are women, who sleep together with their dogs, with sleep more satisfied like women, warmed by men. The one you are they share a bed with men and dogs, sleep is less disturbed by dogs, with whom, as they say, they should feel comfortable safely and comfortable. The researchers also found that cats on average they apply to about as annoying as humans.

... or with a dog?
… or with a dog?

Nevertheless, Hoffman points out that dogs are not always the solution to better sleep. The research was based on self-reporting individuals who differ greatly in their perception. At the same time, it should be emphasized that the fact that what breed is the dog.

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