
Women who stay single for long periods of time will end up…

These women will never lose their sense of individuality. They will never let their hopes and dreams fall apart just so they can accept the person they met.

Women who stay alone for a long time are ultimately the happiest.

In the end, they are the happiest, because they learned to feel comfortable in their singleness. They can sleep alone in bed and still have a solid night's sleep. They can go shopping without feeling weird about not having anyone to share the experience with. They embrace singleness.

In the end, the happiest are because they have time to focus on themselves, to understand what is really important to them. Instead of drifting apart, they stay in touch with their friends. They follow their dreams instead of letting them fade away. They are winners. Dedicated and passionate. And no one can distract them from their goals.

In the end, the happiest are because they cultivated their independence. They have enough money to pay the rent and enough knowledge to take care of themselves. They can do anything. They improvise. These are intelligent women with the means to perfect their lives.

Women who stay alone for a long time are ultimately the happiest.

In the end, the happiest are because they realize that love is not necessarily the center of the universe. It is not the only thing on their mind, the reason to wake up in the morning, or to go out at night. Instead of chasing men, they follow their dreams. In search of a future, they know they deserve it.

Women who stay single for a long time do not worry about being single, because they get used to living like that. They don't worry that they might never marry someone. They are fine with living alone. They welcome silence. They are strong enough to not only deal with it, but also enjoy it.

And if they find someone, it will be someone who will push them forward. Someone who will encourage them to fight, not someone who tells them to surrender and let him run it all. It will be someone who will be happy that they have their own lives, their own plans, and that they will never sacrifice those things for love.

They will be with someone who makes them even stronger than they already are. With someone who makes them even happier than they already are – even though they are already pretty happy!

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