
Women's hairstyles 2015: The return of the bohemian frill

The return of frills

With the revival of the fashion of the past 70s, the bohemian frill also experienced its fashion comeback this spring. One of the most attractive hair trends of 2015 adds just the right amount of French chic to the face as well as a touch of rebellious girlhood.

The 70th years of the last century in the field of fashion experienced real revival. The same is true in the field of beauty and trends for hairstyles 2015, as the bohemian fringe is coming back into fashion, which goes perfectly with the currently fashionable bell bottoms, lacy tops and fringed dresses. In the gallery, take a look at the famous beauties of the past and present who perfectly wear a relaxed fringe, which adds the right amount of French chic and a slight touch of girlish unruliness to their face.

READ MORE:  Trend: Women's fashion hairstyles 2015

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