
Women's hairstyles 2016: hidden rainbow

A hidden rainbow in the hair.

In recent years, girls have been changing hair dye trends like underwear. You want to have a vibrant hair color, but your work/school or the conservative environment does not allow this? Then this rainbow trend is perfect for you. Rainbow hair or hair in shades of rainbows is not the latest beauty cry, but if you are hesitant to look at the bold trends ruling the world, you can find a solution in the hidden rainbow, a way of dyeing your hair that hides your true colors.

You don't dare to dye your hair in chipped colors, because you simply don't have enough courage or your (work) environment doesn't allow it. Just as a place is found for a thief you can hide, when it is necessary, there is also hair coloring method, which allows you to give the impression of a model girl during the day and become a wild beast at night.

READ MORE: Women's hairstyles 2016: this fall's trend is rose gold blonde hair

Hidden rainbow.
Hidden rainbow.

Hidden rainbow is the last one beauty trend, which impressed the girls. Hide your hair color from those you think might find it offensive. Show these photos to your hairdresser and get a color treatment so you can rainbow colors successfully concealed when necessary. Because the rainbow isn't always in the sky either...

Women's hairstyles 2016 - hidden rainbow:

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