
Women's hairstyles 2016: painted hair in the colors of the rainbow

Painted hair - a new fashion trend in the colors of the rainbow

We are always fascinated and surprised by innovations in the field of hair dyeing with rainbow color shades. Glittering "shaved tattoos" and lively hidden hair roots are just two examples of imaginative hairstyles. Here's a new trend in the colors of the rainbow - painted hair.

We are absolutely delighted with the fashionable hair coloring styles of the hair stylist Janine Ker.

We noticed Janina's work some time ago on hers Instagram profile. We were fascinated by the way that all "penned" hairstyles are first created as a sketch on a sheet of paper, and only later he transfers the idea to the heads of his clients. She has already created everything – from spots to salmon worlds on the hair. We were particularly impressed by the garden flowers embedded in a woman's locks.

Painted hair - a new fashion trend in the colors of the rainbow
Painted hair - a new fashion trend in the colors of the rainbow

And what's the best part? The color is only temporary. You can see the work of Janina in the photo gallery below. You might even find a good idea for yourself. However, painted hair is the latest fashion trend that uses the colors of the rainbow.

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Women's hairstyles 2016: painted hair in the colors of the rainbow

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