
Women's hairstyles 2016: Watermelon colors are the new hair coloring trend

Watermelon colors are in trend

New day, new trend. Forget rainbow colors! The fresh hair coloring trend is watermelon colors! Dress your hair in green-pink-red shades this summer.

Watermelon colors they are a new hair coloring trend, photos of girls with hair in shades of red and pink, turning to green (or vice versa), and on Instagram spread like watermelons this time of year in markets and fruit sections of stores.

READ MORE: Women's hairstyles 2016: painted hair in the colors of the rainbow

Summer is the season of watermelons, and if you want to have this summer, karseda refreshing look, we can't imagine anything more refreshing than hair dressed in the shades of the most refreshing summer fruit.

Women's hairstyles 2016: watermelon colors are the new hair coloring trend:

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