
A beautiful retro-futuristic house in India

A retro-futuristic house in India

Nashik is an ancient city in the north-west of India, famous mainly for the production of fresh fruits and vegetables and vineyards. Now you can get to know it also because of the architecture, because the Gumpha houses now stand there, which look like a fairy tale. What did the architects want to say?

Chief architect from the studio Within N Without Shailesh Devi wanted to find the connection between urban lifestyle and nature.

He expressed himself very poetically: "As a city dweller, tired of everyday stress and pace, I want nothing more than to find the inner peace that can only be found in nature." The Gumph houses look like something from a fairy tale, because they completely are of 'irregular' forms, and the interior is playful, perhaps illogical, but very natural. Internal light and shadows constantly intertwine between rooms, who otherwise act more introverted. Undoubtedly, Gumpha acts as a step back, a step towards a more primitive way of life.

But maybe this is also part of our future?

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