
Wooden house on a tree by Slovene Roka Pezdirec

The wooden house of the young Slovenian architect Roko Pezdirec

The tree house, located near Lukovica, is the work of Rok Pezdirec. Pezdirc is a young Slovenian architect who believes that the idea of a tree house has been with us since childhood. But he went one step further - he also made a wooden tree house, and it was so good that it was published in the book Cabin Porn. He thus proved that children's dreams can become reality.

The treehouse is located on the edge of the oblong plot of the family house near Lukovica, where there is a steep overgrown slope. Since there were not enough trees there to provide enough support for the house, it stands on an independent structure and is thus independent of trees.
The shape of the house is adjusted so that the space inside it is used as best as possible, and the windows are arranged in such a way that they allow view on all sides. The area of the house is six square meters, and it is divided into two parts: on the back side of the house, there is a large one Workbench, above which there is a skylight, and another part is intended for sitting or sleeping. There is also storage space under the bench. There is access to the house upthestairs, which lead to a cantilevered terrace, which has a hole in the middle through which an existing tree grows. It is also installed in the house electricity.

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Rok is a house from spruce wood he both designed and built it himself, and occasionally his father helped him with the more difficult tasks. Rok's house was published in a book Cabin Porn, and after publication there, also on quite a few architectural portals.

In the photo gallery you can see the wooden house of the young Slovenian architect Roko Pezdirec.

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