
A wooden penis in the Austrian Alps

A wooden penis in the Austrian Alps

There is no need to waste words on the beauty of the Austrian Alps, and of course ours as well. We all know them, some of you have already visited them. We have Triglav, and the Austrians have Veliki Klek or Grossglockner, which is twice as tall as our pride. But we will not present either one or the other here. We stay in the Alps, but for a different reason.

Austrian Ötscher, 1,893 meter high mountain, no longer offers only a ski resort and an exceptional view. Now it offers even more mysterious an installation in the form of a wooden penis. An unknown artist actually placed the sculpture on top of the mountain overnight. The public is speculating whether it might be an illustration of the archaic fertility cult, as phallic artifacts have already been discovered in the caves of this part of Europe, specifically in Germany.

She discovered the sculpture Austrian mountaineer Marika Roth, who immediately posted the photos on her Facebook pages. The 'monument' will remain in the same place for some time, as the authorities are still looking for the author, and they also count on the fact that it will attract even more tourists to the mountain.

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