
Words that cut to the heart: this is what you will hear when he manipulates you

Words that cut to the heart: this is what you will hear when he manipulates you

If you've been thinking that your partner is playing tricks on you for a while, read what sentences you'll hear when he manipulates you - such words cut deep into your heart.

In relationships where jealousy is present, manipulation also quickly occurs. If you are a wonderful partner at first glance often emotionally confusing and convinces of things, v which you don't believe otherwise and you would never do them, you are probably in a relationship with manipulators.

Chances are you've heard one of these phrases before, so keep at it next time pay attention to the spoken words and then you react differently than usual.

1. "You exaggerate and overanalyze."

"You exaggerate and overanalyze."
"You exaggerate and overanalyze."

If your partner deliberately provokes negative emotions in you, and then claims that he did nothing wrong, you can be sure that you are not exaggerating. The manipulator will convince you to start doubting your intuition, and will deliberately make you doubt yourself, and then criticize you for your doubts.

2. “I hate it when you dramatize.”

Every time you want to confide in him your feelings, worries and problems that are also related to him, he will do everything in his power to make you feel very bad about it. He will do the same when you react to his nasty behavior. The manipulator does not want to change. He will force you to do what he tells you to do. He will forever play the victim, even in situations where he has made a mistake and is at fault.

3. "You're too sensitive."

"You're too sensitive."
"You're too sensitive."

The manipulator will give you a lot of attention and care, and then the ignoring and rejection will begin. Because you will be unhappy, you will show it to him, and he will criticize you for it and accuse you of being too sensitive and having too high expectations.

4. “You get it all wrong.”

In every relationship there are misunderstandings, but the manipulator creates them on purpose. They will deliberately challenge you and then blame you for causing the conflict.

5. “You're crazy.”

"You are crazy."
"You are crazy."

When you finally realize that he is manipulating you and the manipulator realizes that you know what game he is playing, he will insult you in every possible way. It will make you question your sanity. He will tell you that you are crazy and jealous just to make you stop questioning what is actually the truth.

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