
Work Hard Anywhere - an application that finds the ideal workspace for working remotely

The Work Hard Anywhere app

Offices used to be an uninspiring place where we went to work. For many people today, the office is the place where they have an Internet connection. Work Hard Anywhere is a simple application that allows you to find such a workspace. It knows more than 2,500 locations in 57 countries, so there is a high probability that such a public place is also near you. Each of them is evaluated by the users, and the evaluation criteria are the speed and reliability of the Wi-Fi connection, access to the electrical connection, the volume of the surroundings, the possibility of parking, price, food, etc.

Office is a very broad concept today and this precisely at the expense of technology and many more flexible forms of employment that allow you to work remotely. For freelancers or independent creators, the office is like that wherever they catch an internet connection. But finding it is not always a piece of cake. Fortunately, help is coming application Work Hard Anywhere, which allows you to search satisfactory working environment (be it a cafe, library or coworking space) from where you can operate.

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Maybe your job is busy, but don't make finding a workspace stressful.
Maybe your job is busy, but don't make finding a workspace stressful.

But because Work Hard Anywhere knows you need it more than just a good wireless connection, in addition to the quality of the Internet connection, the workspace is also evaluated and categorized according to other criteria such as number of electrical connections, number of seats, (possible) price, etc. In this way, users can find a suitable public space for work both in their home countries and abroad. It is available for everyone iOS users.

Work Hard Anywhere is ideal for all independent creators.
Work Hard Anywhere is ideal for all independent creators.

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