
The worst astrological combinations between mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law

Photo: Cottonbro Studio / Pexels

Have you ever had or do you have a mother-in-law who literally drinks your blood? Nothing is right for her, everything you do is not enough. In her eyes, you are not the right person for her son.

The relationship between daughter-in-law and mother-in-law is generally not easy. Women often try to please their mothers-in-law, in a way to show them that they do not intend to "steal" their child from them.

For the most part, something is always wrong in this relationship between two women. Once on one side, once on the other side.

Let's see the worst astrological combinations of daughter-in-law and mother-in-law.

Sister-in-law Leo, mother-in-law Cancer

This is indeed one of the worst astrological combinations when it comes to mother-in-law and daughter-in-law relationship. A cancer mother-in-law has a tendency to make her son her own and pass it all on to her son's family. And in this case, the son is helpless, because the mother has too much influence on all aspects of his life, her love turns into excessive care and excessive protection. This often turns into a pathological relationship, and then the lioness sister-in-law, who is already dominant by nature, becomes a dangerous threat.


A lioness is domineering and does not want to have anyone above her, especially not a person like Cancer. The Cancer mother-in-law is inclined to fight for dominance over her, and she shows this openly and somewhat aggressively, because her family, especially her son, is hers. Thus, from the beginning, this union is doomed to eternal competition and dominance over the son.

Sister-in-law Aries, mother-in-law Scorpio

This is the second most dangerous combination. There is a big fight at the beginning, which is very open and always full of bad words and arguments. In this case, the son suffers the most, who always hides, because he cannot bear their negative energy.

A Scorpio mother-in-law is a jealous and possessive person by nature and cannot control it. Her feelings are very deep and she rarely shows them, and the Aries daughter-in-law openly shows affection for her partner - which can be very irritating for the mother-in-law.


The Aries sister-in-law is very direct, stubborn and has no problem saying everything she thinks. No one can stop her when she's planning something, and her mother-in-law can't stand it when someone dominates and is too open and honest. Aries is ruled by Mars, and Scorpio is ruled by Pluto, these are the two most warlike planets, they are in opposition to each other by nature. The daughter-in-law usually wins here.

Sister-in-law a virgin, mother-in-law to twins

This is a very complicated combination because Mercury is the ruling planet of both Gemini and Virgo. Indeed, it shows that communication is very dominant and active here. During a certain period, they may be quiet and not speak, or there may be a phase of constant arguments.

The Gemini mother-in-law has a tendency to constantly use communication as a means of controlling everyone, but she can't get it over her Virgo daughter-in-law, who also makes communication the most important thing in life.


Their relationship is constantly proving who is more capable and eloquent, which has a negative effect on their relationship, as there is no room for relaxation and spontaneity in the relationship. Both are trying to be louder and the basic problem is that they can't hear each other and can't get a word out. And when the quiet period comes, the big question is which one will give way first. The main driving force behind their communication is their son or husband, who is the key to the solution.

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