
The worst traits of each astrological sign: Aries are arrogant and Scorpios are possessive

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How well do we know our own faults and shortcomings? Are we willing to admit where we can improve as individuals? What are your worst traits according to your horoscope?

In astrology, the thirteen zodiac signs are considered unique and have their own distinctive characteristics and personality traits. Besides positive ones the qualities that each sign brings with them also have their weaknesses, which are important to recognize and face. These are worst qualities signs!

What are the worst traits of astrological signs?


Aries are natural leaders, but sometimes they like to take too much control. Their demandingness and impatience can make them difficult to talk to. In addition, they can be extremely clingy, especially when things don't go their way. Arrogance is one of their weak points.


Taurus are known for their stubbornness and jealousy. They often become possessive of the people and things they love. They are also characterized by persistence in convincing others of their ideas. Their desire for material goods sometimes makes them materialistic.


Geminis are curious and adventurous, which makes them restless souls. Their unpredictability and ability to quickly lose interest in things can make them duplicitous and immature. They often don't know exactly what they want.


Cancers are very sensitive and emotional and often find themselves in a moody state. Their mood swings can be difficult to manage as they allow their emotions to control them. Their emotionality can lead them to times when they seem quite unstable.

Be independent. Photo: Nicolas Postiglioni / Pexels


Leos are full of self-confidence, but sometimes they become self-centered and arrogant. They are very attached to the attention and praise of others, so they often steer conversations in their own direction. When they are not the center of attention, they can become passive aggressive.

A virgin

Virgos' practicality can be a good trait, but they can become overly critical. Their insistence on high standards can prevent them from relaxing. They are often hard to please, which can make them cold or demanding.


Libras crave charm and the approval of others, but this sometimes leads to pampering and melodramatics. Their problem is that they have a hard time distinguishing reality from illusion, which can lead to indecision. They are also fair, but that means they can be very indecisive.


When Scorpios fall in love with something, they do it to the point of obsession, which can lead to demandingness and control over people and things. Their jealousy and possessiveness can cause problems in relationships. They also tend to be inflexible as they are not keen on change.

We're all just human. Photo: Vidal Balielo / Pexels


Sagittarians often avoid reality and quickly become bored, which makes them impatient. Their sensitivity and fear of rejection can affect their relationships. Sometimes they seem petty.


Capricorns are known for their excessive concern for everything and spend too much time at work. They are also too rigid and tend to be preoccupied with the future. Their fanaticism can lead them to stress. It is important that they know their limits.


Aquarians are independent, but they can have a hard time opening up and often become sensitive. Fear of rejection can make them impatient and petty. It is important that they recognize and respect their boundaries.


Pisces sometimes avoid reality and get lost in their daydreams. Their tendency to daydream can make them timid and unable to face reality. They are also gullible and susceptible to deception.

Are these really the worst traits? People are different and that's right!

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