
Wurstify - Chrome extension that gives people a Conchita Wurst beard

Wurstify or we are all Conchita Wurst.

If you're looking for a Google Chrome browser extension that will put you in a good mood, the Wurstify extension won't miss you. This gives the online experience a humorous dimension, as it adds a beard to every face you come across online. The add-on supports all websites and uses sophisticated facial recognition technology, with which the beard does not escape anyone.

Ever since its debut in 2008 Google's Chrome browser he accumulates in his library useful, productive and insightful extensions. Wurstify is not one of them. It's silly, unnecessary, and will probably defeat everything the add-ons listed above are trying to accomplish. But that doesn't make it any less funny. And as the name suggests, it is creative extension found inspiration in the winning song of Eurovision 2014 Conchita Wurst.

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Wurstify or we are all Conchita Wurst. Kim Kardashian too.
Wurstify or we are all Conchita Wurst. Kim Kardashian too.

Once you have the Wurstify extension activated, it will using facial recognition algorithms detect a face on whichever side you are. Once she identifies him, it will be on his face grew a beard Conchita Wurst. Well, lots of fun.

Wurstify or we are all Conchita Wurst.
Wurstify or we are all Conchita Wurst.

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