
Xiaomi Mi4 - unoriginal but top-quality "Chinese iPhone"

The Chinese high-tech company Xiaomi, also known as the "Chinese Apple", may be an exotic brand for us, although it ranks 6th in the list of the largest smartphone manufacturers. It recently made a positive surprise with the successor of the Mi3 model, the Mi4, which raises the level of their flagship - higher processor capacity and system memory capacity plus 30 days of standby time!

Android model Mi4 companies Xiaomi- which literally means "little rice" - is intended the most demanding users, but not only those from the 3rd or of a higher tax bracket, as it is affordable. The 4th generation Mi phone has 5-inch (=12.7-centimeter) screen resolution 1920 x 1080p in metal housing (144 x 73.6 x 8.1 mm) made of stainless steel (the first such example).

Under the surface hides a 4-core processor Qualcomm Snapdragon 801, battery capacity 3080 milliamp hours (approx. 20 hours with normal use), camera (front) resolution 13 million pixels, webcam (rear) resolution 8MP, 3 GB working (system) and 16 or 64 GB memory, IR (possibility of controlling the television) and GUI MIUI.

Under the minimalist design hides a real beast of a smartphone.
Under the minimalist design hides a real beast of a smartphone.

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145 grams Xiaomi is a worthy successor of the trio, because in addition to quality, it is also famous for its affordable price. Thus in Europe (currently only available in Italy) can be had for 395 euros (it is 100 euros cheaper in Asia), with an "optional" choice back cover made of bamboo, wood, ceramics, stone or leather, you can count on the amount to grow a bit more.

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