
XTND: Electric Skateboard with Artificial Intelligence

Skaters are back! Well, they didn't go anywhere, they just hid for a while. Many of us associate this urban type of recreation with the 90s of the last century, but the history goes back almost 70 years. Well, let's leave history to history and rather see what is happening with skateboards today. More specifically, what is the XTND AI electric board! Well, it even looks like we're looking a little into the future.

XTND AI is the world's first electric board with UI, which is supposed to ensure that there will be no more traffic jams, problems with parking spaces or congestion on city buses in cities. That's right, it's supposed to be slow all became skaters! XTND AI will thus collect data about your driving through artificial intelligence, analyze it and create unique driving settings, tailored just for you. This does not mean that you need to have any prior knowledge. On the contrary, the board will teach you everything you need to know. XTND too stores data of your daily routes, which then optimizes. Choose e.g. a path that has less gradient or less good ground, so to use less battery. It is equipped with ambient lights, so you will be better seen in the dark and at night. But this is not the only feature intended for safety, as they have been built into the board sensors, which monitor the speed at which you ride, so that the board can adjust it appropriately and safely.

If this is the future of skating and the pulse of city roads, then it is we look forward to it! The electric board is currently being raised on a crowdfunding portal Kickstarter

Image gallery: XTND AI

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