
Yamaha's electric motorcycle offensive

In 2015, Yamaha will join the list of electric motorcycle providers with the extremely light and agile PES1 and PED1.

Market electric motorcycles is still in its infancy, but soon one of the most important brands in the motorcycle industry is expected to officially step on it Yamaha.

Japanese manufacturer last fall at the salon in Tokyo already presented two studies road and enduro motorcycle, which should hit the roads in the course of next year.

Yamaha PES
Yamaha PES
DOG1 or passion electric street 1 is a modern designed road type motorcycle naked bike, which due to its extremely low weight (100 kilograms in total) it is characterized by exceptional handling, thanks to the electric motor, which has all the torque available from 0 revolutions onwards, as well as exceptional jumpiness.
Yamaha PED
Yamaha PED
Enduro version PED1 or passion electric dirt 1, will be slightly lighter than its road brother, as it will weigh only 85 kilograms.

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